Job Descriptions


8th Grade Family Night Coordinator

PURPOSE: In May, we invite incoming freshmen and their parents to ACHS. We introduce them to Sequoit Pride, communicate volunteer opportunities, provide guided tours of the school, open the school store, and sell memberships.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Choose a date after reviewing calendars of all feeder schools; reserve ACHS facilities; publicize event to parents of incoming freshmen; prepare and present a presentation in the auditorium; recruit student tour guides through National Honor Society; ensure store is open and memberships are available.

COLLABORATES WITH: Membership Coordinators, Spirit Wear & Store Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


Dr. Bradford Hubbard Award Coordinator

PURPOSE: This award recognizes someone who goes above and beyond to enhance the ACHS culture, support growth, and comprehensive and exemplary learning experience in our high school community.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Publicize program to solicit nominations from parents, staff, and students; present nominations to committee; ensure a recipient is selected; present award at Honors Assembly in May.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


Family Dining Events Coordinator

PURPOSE: Generous dining establishments provide fundraising partnerships that foster community while providing income to our non-profit organization.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinate fundraising partnerships with local restaurants such as Buffalo Wild Wings, Antioch Pizza Shop, et cetera; secure agreement with partners; publicize events; collect financial donations.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator



Hospitality Coordinator

PURPOSE: The Hospitality Coordinator identifies caterers and donors for events, and provides food & beverage guidance.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide food & beverage guidance to our coordinators; identify caters and donors; obtain estimates.

COLLABORATES WITH: Main Event Coordinator, SAT Breakfast Coordinator, Staff Appreciation Breakfast Coordinator, Welcome Back Lunch Coordinator


Membership Coordinator

PURPOSE: Memberships are available to families & individuals at various price points, each offering a unique combination of benefits.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Handle all membership activities for members that are not businesses. Manage and print membership forms; collaborate with Spirit Wear Coordinator to select and order Member Kit contents; collaborate with Yard Sign Coordinator to place bulk order of member yard signs; design and place bulk order for D117 passes; communicate membership benefits at school events such as Sequoit Celebration, home football games, Back to School Night, 8th Grade Family Night, etc; collect new member orders; distribute membership kits to members; maintain member information on Google Sheet shared with board members.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator, 8th Grade Family Night Coordinator, Sequoit Celebration Coordinator, Spirit Wear & Store Coordinator


Pathway of Excellence Coordinator

PURPOSE: The Pathway of Excellence is located at the flagpoles in front of the Main Street entrance to ACHS. Parents, alumni, and faculty purchase personalized bricks to be installed in the Pathway.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Accept brick orders January-April; record order information on Google Sheet shared with board members; confirm inscriptions with customers in May; place brick order in late May; ensure bricks are installed in July or August.

COLLABORATES WITH: Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator



PURPOSE: Capture memories of our fundraisers and spirit events to help us communicate with parents, students, staff, donors, sponsors, and the Antioch community.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Attend events that fit into your schedule; shoot photos of new spirit wear 1-2 times per year.

COLLABORATES WITH: all coordinators



The President is the principal executive officer and, subject to the control of the Executive Board, supervises and controls all of the activities of the organization. The President prepares meeting agendas and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and all meetings of the membership. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie in a vote of the Executive Board or the membership. The President shall select and appoint the chairpersons of all Standing and Special Committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the organization. As a Board Member, the President ensures coordinators begin preparing for their events early; helps define due dates to avoid last minute stress, mistakes, etc; makes sure deadlines are not missed; encourages early planning for volunteer & donation needs; provides guidance and answers when needed; is a supportive, motivational manager.


Publicity Coordinator

PURPOSE: We achieve our mission by involving the community. The Publicity Coordinator communicates our purpose, events, needs, and successes through any means possible.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Compose email blasts sent to parents, staff, and/or students to publicize events or recruit volunteers; post updates on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc); compose monthly newsletter content for Sequoit Signals; assist with writing or proofreading the website, Main Event bid book, Pathway of Excellence promotional materials, etc.

COLLABORATES WITH: all coordinators


SAT Breakfast Coordinator

PURPOSE: Sequoit Pride provides a healthy breakfast for all juniors in April on the day they take the SAT exam.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Reserve the cafeteria; discuss food needs with Hospitality Coordinator, request donations of food, beverage, labor, and monetary donations from the ACHS community; coordinates volunteers on the day of the event.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


Scholarship Coordinator

PURPOSE: Sequoit Pride awards two $500 scholarships each year to ACHS seniors.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Publicize the scholarship by communicating with Student Services; collect applications during the application period (Jan 1-Feb 28); recruit volunteers to review the applications in March; share the names of scholarship recipients with Student Services and our Board in April; attend Honors Night in May to present the awards.

COLLABORATES WITH: Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator



The Secretary is a member of the Executive Board. The Secretary records meeting minutes; provides notices in accordance with our Bylaws; is responsible for publishing meeting minutes; manages and keeps an accurate tally of volunteer records; and regularly monitors postal mail and email accounts. As a Board Member, the Secretary ensures coordinators begin preparing for their events early; helps define due dates to avoid last minute stress, mistakes, etc; makes sure deadlines are not missed; encourages early planning for volunteer & donation needs; provides guidance and answers when needed; is a supportive, motivational manager.


Senior Picnic Coordinator

PURPOSE: Sequoit Pride provides a picnic for graduating ACHS seniors in May.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Discuss food & beverage needs with Hospitality Coordinator; request donations of food, beverage, labor, and monetary donations from the ACHS community; arrange activities/entertainment; reserve ACHS facilities; on the day of the event, assign tasks to volunteers; feed approximately 350 guests.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


Sequoit Celebration Coordinator

PURPOSE: Sequoit Celebration is one of the first events of the new school year in August and is coordinated by the ACHS athletic department. Our Sequoit Celebration Coordinator provides post-event entertainment and coordinates an activity fair to promote student involvement.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Book DJ entertainment for the end of the evening and reserve a gym as a backup rain location; work in conjunction with the athletic department to coordinate an outdoor club & activities fair to be held along the path that connects the stadium to the parking lot. The fair is held while various athletic scrimmages take place at the stadium. The bulk of the planning for this event will occur during mid to late summer.

COLLABORATES WITH: Membership Coordinator, Yard Sign Coordinator, Spirit Wear & Store Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


Spirit Wear & Store Coordinator

PURPOSE: We operate two stores. The School Store is in the Commons, and the Stadium Store is next to concessions at the stadium. All profits from the store fund student opportunities.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Select and purchase inventory; recruit and train volunteers to staff the store, during home football games, and special events; fulfill online orders; manage inventory; maintain our Square account; open store for special events such as a Holiday Shopping Event, Back to School Night, etc.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator


Sponsorship Coordinator

PURPOSE: Business memberships allow businesses to show their support while enjoying advertising opportunities.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The Business Membership Coordinator contacts local businesses, colleges, medical centers, etc to invite them to advertise on one of four spaces on the stadium scoreboard. The Business Membership Coordinator also offers other business membership opportunities to partners who want to support Sequoit Pride but are not interested in scoreboard advertising. We accept business memberships anytime, but the best time to solicit businesses is May through July so their ads are visible at the beginning of the new school year and busy fall athletic season.

COLLABORATES WITH: Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator, Antioch business community


Staff Appreciation Breakfast Coordinator

PURPOSE: On behalf of all parents and guardians, Sequoit Pride provides a Staff Appreciation Breakfast during Education Week in May.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Define a theme; discuss food needs with our Hospitality Coordinator; request food, beverage, labor, and monetary donations from the ACHS community via school-wide email; generate theme-specific decorations; reserve ACHS facilities for event use. On the day of the event, assign tasks to volunteers and feed approximately 100-150 staff members.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


The Main Event Coordinator

PURPOSE: The Main Event is a dinner?auction fundraiser held in March. The evening raises over $25,000 and provides a fun evening for parents and faculty.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinates a team of volunteers who collectively choose a location, date, and theme for the event. The team also solicits donations for live and silent auctions; collects donations; prepares auction items and assembles baskets; promotes the event; decorates the facility, transports donations to the facility, sets up auction displays, greets guests, sells tickets at the door, coordinates catering, manages post-event clean up, and thanks all donors and volunteers.

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, Website Coordinator, Photographer, Videographer



The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer organizes, documents, and records all financial activities; prepares and adheres to an annual budget; maintains receipts, makes timely bank deposits; pays vendors; provides monthly financial reports to the Board and meeting attendees; maintains financial records; and provides financial information to Parent Booster USA for tax reporting purposes. As a Board Member, the Treasurer ensures coordinators begin preparing for their events early; helps define due dates to avoid last minute stress, mistakes, etc; makes sure deadlines are not missed; encourages early planning for volunteer & donation needs; provides guidance and answers when needed; is a supportive, motivational manager.


Vending Machine Coordinators

PURPOSE: We manage vending machines near the gym lobby. All profits fund student opportunities.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Communicate with vendors such as Pepsi; stock our machines on a semi-weekly basis during the school year; collect cash from machines; deposit income into bank account; manage inventory.

COLLABORATES WITH: Treasurer, vendors


Vice President

The Vice President is a member of the Executive Board. The Vice President, in the absence of the President, performs the duties of the President. The Vice President performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Board. As a Board Member, the Vice President ensures coordinators begin preparing for their events early; helps define due dates to avoid last minute stress, mistakes, etc; makes sure deadlines are not missed; encourages early planning for volunteer & donation needs; provides guidance and answers when needed; is a supportive, motivational manager.



PURPOSE: Capture and edit quality video of our fundraisers and spirit events to help us communicate with parents, students, staff, donors, sponsors, and the Antioch community.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Attend events, as your schedule allows, such as The Main Event, Buffalo Wild Wings Spirit Challenge, Staff Appreciation Breakfast, Welcome Back Lunch, presentations of scholarships and awards, etc. Perhaps a video of our school store, too?

COLLABORATES WITH: all coordinators


Volunteer Coordinator

PURPOSE: The Volunteer Coordinator publicizes volunteer opportunities, builds relationships with new volunteers, thanks volunteers after events for their service, and fosters parent involvement.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Record contact information of interested volunteers; gather volunteer needs from coordinators; connect interested volunteers with volunteer opportunities via one-to-one communication; request volunteers and donations from the Sequoit community via school-wide email blasts; manage our SignUpGenius account (an online service where we can post donation needs and volunteers can sign up); remind volunteers of their commitment as due dates approach.

COLLABORATES WITH: all coordinators


Website Coordinator

PURPOSE: Our website communicates event information, volunteer opportunities, and organization information such as our bylaws and membership forms.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Ensure contains timely, accurate information about events, news, and the organization.

COLLABORATES WITH: all coordinators


Welcome Back Lunch Coordinator

PURPOSE: Before the school year begins, ACHS staff are re-energized by school administrators. Sequoit Pride helps our principal produce a Welcome Back Lunch that feeds 100-150 staff members in August.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Work with the principal to learn the theme; reserve ACHS facilities; discuss food needs with Hospitality Coordinator; request food, beverage, labor, and monetary donations from the ACHS community via school-wide email; create theme-specific decorations; provide on-site management including assigning tasks to volunteers and post-event clean up..

COLLABORATES WITH: Volunteer Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, Website Coordinator, Photographer, Videographer


Yard Sign Coordinator

PURPOSE: Yard signs promote spirit, foster pride, and are available for any ACHS student sport, club, or activity.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Publicize the yard sign program by sharing information with parents and coaches; receive orders; manage orders with our vendor; deliver signs to customers.

COLLABORATES WITH: coaches, activity sponsors, Membership Coordinators, Spirit Wear & Store Coordinator, Sequoit Celebration Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Website Coordinator


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Our Generous Sponsors:
SALT Salon + Spa
Comfort Cavalry Heating & Air
SBA Dental, Dr. Steven Brucki
Hair Artistry by Marlane (The Beauty Parlor)
Huntington Learning Center
B & G Remodeling
Carolyn Schartz, Baird & Warner Real Estate
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We Thank Our Members:
  • the Ray family...
  • the Wendt family...
  • the Rano family...
  • the DuBay/Ostrander family...
  • the Anderson family...
  • the Ertl family...
  • the Tyrell family...
  • The Selander Family...
  • the Pierce family...
  • Tondola Family...
  • the Kobb family...
  • The Riter Family...
  • The Majerowski Family...
  • the Kaiser family...
  • Ipsen family...
  • the Gain/Gorski family...
  • the Grosbier family...
  • The Dordick family...
  • The Nawrocki family...
  • The Lee family...
  • The Andrew family...
  • the Ripper family...
  • The Dickey Family...
  • The Serifov Family...
  • the Rietschel family...
  • The Schine family...
  • the Baronello family...
  • The Duffy family...
  • the Bock family...
  • the Adams family...
  • the Reif family...
  • the Hammond Family...
  • the Emering family...
  • the Saldana family...
  • the Culotta family...
  • The Peterson family...
  • the Plinske family...
  • The Swanson family...
  • The Swanson Family...
  • the Guy family...
  • The Wickert Family...
  • the McLaughlin family...
  • The Lubkeman Family...
  • Roggy Family...
  • the Riley family...
  • the Campese family...
  • The Curry/Grooms Family...
  • the Behrens family...
  • Alijoski family...
  • Anonymous...
  • the Mortensen family...
  • the Bustamante family...
  • the Brinker family...
  • the Marcomb family...
  • the Miller family...
  • the Chirtoaca family...
  • The Maloney Clan...
  • the Balaban family...
  • the Swain family...
  • the Penn family...
  • the Angellotti family...
  • The Hill Family...
  • the Sorensen Carey family...
  • De Leon family...
  • The Frievalt Family...
  • the Andre family...
  • the Ludwig family...
  • The Miller family...
  • the Coughenour family...
  • the Borelli family...
  • Paulino Family...
  • the Quirke family...
  • the Fisher family...
  • Anonymous...
  • the Mateja family...
  • The Garvey Family...
  • Cabuyadao Family...
  • the Pratt family...
  • The Malcolm Family...
  • The Schmidt family...
  • the Cohen family...
  • Borisenkov family...
  • the Glader family...
  • The Townsend family...
  • the Smith family...
  • The Taylors...
  • The Mentkowski family...
  • the SIMI family...
  • The Speich Family...
  • the Peckham family...
  • the Krueger/Jurcak family...
  • The Keifer family...
  • The Little family...
  • the Daniels family...
  • The Kavich Family...
  • The Welsch family...
  • the Bomba family...
  • The Guy Family...
  • The Gomez family...
  • the Butler family...
  • the Herstowski family...
  • the Wagner Family...
  • Kubicki family...
  • the Oksanen family...
  • The Barbosa family...
  • The Doty Family...
  • the Marks family...
  • The M & H Miller family...
  • The Luebke Family...
  • the Rathmann family...
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